Gretchen’s Story…

There are a million excuses, trust me, I have used them all (well most of them). 

I work 60+ hours a week and enjoy spending time with family and friends.. I thought it was impossible to change my lifestyle without sacrificing my life. 

I tried all, I mean ALL, the “quick” crash diets, yep, I lost weight, but put it back on plus more.

I had already lost about 40 pounds before I started with Jamie, but I was still in pain and exhausted. 

I didn’t realize with all the crash diets and processed foods, I had totally depleted my body of important nutrients and had lost lots of muscle mass.

With the help of Jamie Lynn, I have lost 70 more pounds!! 

I also started with over 38% body fat and now I am below 17%!!

My joints feel so much better, I sleep better and I have so much more energy.  I actually have more time not less because part of being healthy is being prepared.

This is the best thing I have every done for myself.

I was in Missoula visiting family and was in need of a good massage. My sister introduced me to Jamie and it was life changing! Jamie’s style and technique are nothing short of amazing. After one hour with her, I felt better than ever after a massage. Her hands are magic! I travel a lot so I am often in need of a massage for my shoulders (from carrying luggage), and lower back, legs and feet to help with circulation. I have had a lot of massages from a lot of massage therapists, and Jamie is by far the best. She is now my go-to person for a massage in Missoula.


Jamie’s hands are kind. Jamie’s hands are strong. Jamie’s hands are intuitive.

This past year, I had neck fusion surgery. My recovery has been slow-moving because of restrictions and limitations.

As Jamie works on me, it’s as if she transfuses all her energy from her hands to my healing body. She asks the right questions that get to the bottom of my pain and discomfort and gets to working on removing those knots and increasing circulation to the needed areas.

When I leave her table after she works her wizardry, I feel like everything is going to be okay and that I am on the road to recovery. She is a healer.. I can’t recommend Jamie enough for massage.

Katie S.