Do you really know where your food is coming from? How many miles has it traveled to get to you breakfast table? Robyn O’Brien found out the hard way. She shares a frightening personal experience with food allergies, due to not knowing all the added ingredients that were in her child’s breakfast. Please take a …
Category: Fat Loss Tips
Artificial Sweeteners INCREASE your Risk of Obesity
According to FYI Living: “Worse, other research has shown that artificial sweeteners might contribute to weight gain … [when the] sweet taste is not accompanied by the calories (energy) our brain expects it to be, the complex systems our bodies have to regulate energy balance may be thrown off kilter. The result is that a …
Running Clinics: Improve Technique, Minimize Injury
Saturday May 14, 2011, 8am – 2pm Level 1 & 2 This course is designed for all levels of experience. $40 for Level 1, $70 for both Level 1& 2 Level 1: 8am – 10:30 am New Running Techniques: Barefoot pros & cons Running Drills, Stretching, & Form Analysis Cross Training for Success Level 2: …
Healthy fat loss requires being realistic!
“Do all that you can, with all that you have, in the time that you have, in the place where you are.” Nkosi Johnson Often times we set our expectations way too high. I was speaking with a client this morning who was so disappointed in herself, “I just can’t get on the ball.” After …
Holiday Survival Tips
The Holiday season is upon us. Full of stress, sweets, and other temptations. Make a conscious choice to resist the temptations and take care of yourself. Make YOU the priority. * Eat clean food, it will be easier to handle your “To Do” list. * Get plenty of sleep *Treat yourself, get a massage, pedicure, …
Darla’s Journey
I first met Jamie a little over a year ago in June of 2009. When I look back on where I was in my life at that point, I hardly recognize myself. I can’t believe it was just a little over a year ago that I was so depressed; I had zero energy and was …