This is a great time of year to remember all the things we have to be grateful for; our families, our friends, our healthy bodies. Take time this holiday season to stay true to yourself. In spite of all the shopping, parties and other commitments, do not let of of your commitment to yourself. Keep up with your exercise, eat well, and drink plenty of water, you deserve it!!
Holiday Survival Tips:
- Be grateful for all you have
- Be positive in your thoughts
- Believe in yourself
- Remember you are loved
- Plan your daily workouts
- Exercise in the morning
- Do not skip your workout
- Try a yoga or stretching class
- Eat BEFORE you go to a party
- Avoid foods you know disagree with your body
- Drink water, 3/4 to 1 gallon per day
- Potluck? Bring a dish you can eat
- Avoid making desserts for “other people”, the temptation is too high
The New Year is a great time to start fresh. No more procrastination! Now is a good time to get healthy and fit. I am offering a few wonderful holiday specials to help jump start you into good health in 2012.