“Do all that you can, with all that you have, in the time that you have, in the place where you are.”
Nkosi Johnson
Often times we set our expectations way too high. I was speaking with a client this morning who was so disappointed in herself, “I just can’t get on the ball.” After that statement she shared that she has been working 12 – 14 hour days, suffers from SADD, and is tired of letting herself down. If this is where you are in your life, the last thing you need to do is add one more thing to your schedule. Think of one thing that you could do to move in the direction of health. Maybe that means drinking more water or eating breakfast. Wherever you are today, ACCEPT that place. Your time will come.
Part of healthy fat loss is understanding that it is a lifestyle change. It will not happen overnight.
Set realistic goals: Struggling to get to 4 exercise classes per week, when you have not been going to any classes is a recipe for disaster. Try for one! The same goes for eating healthier. Try eating 3 pieces of fruit per day and 5 vegetables per day, instead of “getting rid” of all the things at once, add a few good things and the bad will just drift away.
Healthy fat loss can be fun, easy, and rewarding.