Healthy Organic Summer Snack Ideas

Blueberry Banana Smoothie

Makes 4

2 cups fresh or frozen organic blueberries

2 fresh or frozen organic bananas

2 cups milk: rice, almond, hemp or just use water

3 scoops of your favorite protein powder, I prefer vanilla.

Put all these yummy ingredients in your blender and mix until smooth.

You can also substitute any kind of berries, just keep the banana, it helps to make it smooth.

Orange Creamsicle Smoothie

Tastes just like the popsicles we had as kids.

1 orange, peeled and seeded

1 banana, peeled

1 scoop protein powder

1 T ground flax

1 T shredded coconut (optional)

8-12 oz of water

Blend all ingredients together. Add some ice if you like it cold.

Fruit Kabobs

This is a great recipe to bring to a BBQ or picnic in the park.

Wooden Skewers

4 different kinds of organic fruit cut into cubes

Arrange fruit on skewers and top with special spice.

Recipe for fruit spice:
2 tbsp ground Flax seed
2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 cup almonds, ground in food processor
1/4 cup sunflower seeds, ground in food processor

Fruit Salad with Protein

Serves 1

1 apple

½ cup frozen berries

1 banana

1 T ground flax seed

1 T unsweetened coconut

1 scoop vanilla protein powder

Cut up apple & banana, put in bowl with berries. Top with flax seed and coconut. Mix 4 oz or water with protein powder and pour over fruit.

Simple Berry Ice Cream

1 cup frozen blueberries

2 T flax seeds, ground

1 T lemon juice

2 scoops protein powder

Put all ingredients in food processor.  If it is too thick, you may need to add a bit of water or some plain greek yogurt (1-2 T).  Serving size 1/2 cup.

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