A client just sent this to me!! Salad in a jar, what a fantastic way to plan and prepare your meals ahead of time! Check it out!! SALAD IN A JAR
Tag: Fat Loss
What’s your New Year’s Resolution?
EXERCISE & WELLNESS COACHING Rise & Shine Small Group Training Need motivation? Accountability? Tuesdays beginning January 8th, 6am – 7am Thursdays beginning January 10th, 6am – 7am Get motivated for 2013. Small Group Training offers the benefits of personal training, but in a small group environment to allow for more affordability and fun! Classes are …
Wow, what a transformation!!
Gretchen’s transformation!! There are a million excuses, trust me, i have used them all (well most of them). I work 60+ hours a week and enjoy spending time with family and friends.. i though it was impossible to change my lifestyle without sacrificing my life. I tried all, I mean ALL, the “quick” crash diets, …
Fall Newsletter
“And then the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” -Anais Nin This fall brings brings a major change to my life. I will be going back to school full time, studying to become Physical Therapist Assistant. I am thrilled to …
Sign up NOW for Small Group Training
Get up and move!! Rise and shine exercise class!! My next session for small group training will begin in July. All classes run from 6am – 7am Mondays July 9th – August 27th Thursdays July 5th – August 23rd Small Group Training offers the benefits of personal training, but in a small group environment to …
The Benefits of Small Group Training
There are plenty of ways to help keep you motivated to stick with your new years resolutions and SMALL GROUP TRAINING is just one of them. No matter what your goal may be; weight loss, get in better shape, or just get off the sofa, small group training can help you stick to your goals. …