My journey………

The beginning – November 24, 2010 – here’s what I wrote in my journal:
I am starting my journey! I have been tracking my food for a week, I took pictures of myself (front, back & side) in a bathing suit and I got measured. I am starting at about 156 lbs and 27.6% Body Fat.
Why am I starting this journey? What’s my motivation?
To Feel Better. So what does that mean to me?
– to have more energy
– to be stronger
– sleep through the night
– less or no headaches
– work through & manage stressful situations rather than having them control me
– to like what I see in the mirror knowing that I am doing something for myself
– be healthy
– lose some weight and get toned
– to be proud of myself

Both of my kids are active and I want them to look at me and be proud of me. I want to be more active, enjoy life, have more energy, to start moving forward.
I haven’t been doing anything for myself, I am very sedentary – I am 41 years old and I am not happy with where I am. I want to get up – move forward – make changes – be the person I dream of being. And who knows – maybe I will be someone that others will be inspired by as I go along my journey.
“Instead of constantly promising yourself you’ll do something tomorrow, decide to take action this minute. It’s incredibly freeing to realize you have the power to do something now that will help you reach your objective. You just have to choose to take a step forward.”
“Believe in Yourself. Trust the Process. Change Forever.”
That was the beginning………. NOW …….where am I?????????????
Congratulations Terri, it was wonderful to read your story. Your story gave me some new inspiration. Thanks
Terri, I see you in Jamie’s stength training class and have watched you become fit and trim over the past year. I’m very impressed and inspired by your story. You should be proud; you have made the effort and the results are excellent!