There are plenty of ways to help keep you motivated to stick with your new years resolutions and SMALL GROUP TRAINING is just one of them. No matter what your goal may be; weight loss, get in better shape, or just get off the sofa, small group training can help you stick to your goals. Training alone can get tedious and boring, often leading skipped your workouts.
- Incentive to stay motivated
- Support & Friendship
- Less likely to skip your workout
- More affordable than private training
- Learn new exercises
- FUN!!!
The next session of Small Group Training begins in March.
These sessions run for 8 weeks. The cost is $150 for the 8 week session. The classes are limited to 6 people. Space in limited so please sign up early.
Mondays at 6am, March 5th – April 23rd.
Thursdays at 6am, March 1st – April 26th, no class March 29th.
Please call 250-0995 or email for more information or to sign up.
HI Jamie,
I’m going to try to get to class today, if my knee cooperates. Same time same place? noon?
Liz Seabugh
Liz, great to hear from you. We look forward to having you back. Same time and place.