Drink your water!!!
Water makes constitutes about 75 percent of your body, a slight shortage can have serious effects on the overall functioning of your body.
Like a miracle cure, water helps the body flush out toxins, improving its performance. Water also charges up joints and promotes longevity by boosting your overall health.
Like any fine-tuned machine, when you’re well lubed you can function at your peak, mentally as well as physically. At least three-quarters of your brain is water. Shorten the supply and you dull your senses–literally. So not only do your muscles need water, your brain does too. Sufficient hydration helps keep your cognitive thinking clear and your reflexes fast.
Water is essential for keeping your body temperature normal. It also cushions your joints and helps get nutrients in and waste out. If you don’t drink enough, you can become dehydrated, which will affect your performance. It can make you tired and cause dry mouth, headaches, light-headedness and constipation.
If you fail to take in enough water each day, your body thinks that it is entering a period of drought. As a result, your body reacts by storing as much water as possible to get through this drought, which leads to inflammation in your body.
If you exercise regularly, it’s important to think not only about what you eat, but also about how much (and what) you drink. And because exercise speeds up water loss, it’s critical to know how to stay properly hydrated. Before you exercise, start by drinking fluids several hours before your workout. This will promote a normal fluid and electrolyte balance. During exercise, water is the best fluid for most people, stay away from sugar filled sports drinks. After exercise, the goal is to replace any lost fluids. Aim to drink within 30 minutes of working out. Your fluid replacement needs will be higher after endurance or high intensity activities, just listen to your body.
• Start your day with an 8 oz glass of water, before your morning tea or coffee
• Drink a glass of water before you eat, even if it is just a snack
• Find a water bottle that you will enjoy drinking from
• Instead of buying water in small bottles, improve your water source at home or work, save money and the planet